What You Should Know About FSSAI?
FSSAI – Food Safety and Standard Authority of India was established in India to provide quality food to its people. It came with many rules and regulations and made it mandatory for the food industry to adhere to these rules. Those who are related to the food industry are issued an FSSAI license. The license is not issued to everyone, but only for those who clear the standard rules and regulations after they have been inspected by the concerned authorities. Hence, the quality of the food and its related products was improved in order to get the FSSAI license.
What does FSSAI License Cover?
The FSSAI must be regularly updated so that the people stay away from all kinds of health complications. The recent regulation issued by the FSSAI deals with the packaging material of the food. It prohibits food to be packed in the recycled plastic material which includes carrying bags for storing, packaging, dispensing or carrying purpose.
These regulations are limited not just to plastic materials, but also to the tin reuse. The food must not be packed in tin containers that are copper or brass and rusty and those which are not properly tinned.
The regulations imposed by the FSSAI, are prescribed for all kinds of plastic and plastic related materials. Those who fail to follow these regulations will be heavily imposed with fines or will have their licenses taken. It is also stated that no food or food-related industry can work without a food license.
The FSSAI regulations have specified the suggested list of materials that must be used for packaging for different categories of food products. As per the FSSAI regulations, the materials used for storing or packing the products of food must follow the Indian standards that are presented in the schedule. Apart from this, the effects of dyes and inks are also being considered. It prohibits the use of newspapers and other related materials for wrapping or packaging of food and food products. The printing inks that are used in the food packages also have been specified and must be used according to the regulations.
Why FSSAI License is Important?
It is expected that because of these specifications, the standard of food and its related products will be improved and will take to the next standard level. These implementations will sure be difficult in the starting stage especially in the unorganized sector, but it will slowly catch up with time. This is the reason it is given enough time to follow these regulations.
To implement these regulations, mass awareness and stakeholder consultation amongst the food businesses and the consumers would be helpful. These new regulations of FSSAI have replaced all the previous provisions of the packaging requirements. Recognizing the packaging importance, the FSSAI has separated the labeling regulations and the packaging regulations to ease the food industry.
It is stated that 27 new regulations have been notified of the food standards. These standards are implemented for all kinds of pulses, decorticated and whole pearl millet, maize grit and maize flour, soy protein that is textured, bee wax, sago flour, royal jelly and many more.
A separate and new scientific panel has been initiated for the food packaging sector. The main aim of the scientific panel is that it will protect the food and the food products from being contaminated by chemical, microbiological, atmospheric and physical contamination. It will preserve the food to a great extent and in turn, protect the health of the consumers.
How FSSAI License Helps the Community?
The main reason why food packaging has been focused on is that it will prevent the food from being contaminated. It will, therefore, preserve its natural content. Good packaging is very important in the food industry as it will not only protect the food content but also extend shelf-life. It will also open new opportunities to the food industry like exporting and many more.
FSSAI has stressed that new regulations will not affect the business in any way but will only improve their food quality. The main aim of the FSSAI is to ensure the safety and health of the consumers. Hence, these regulations are initiated to help the food industry and the consumers in leading a healthy nation towards a bright future. Click Here – to check about the recent activity of FSSAI.